- 《be ~》経済{けいざい}の健全性{けんぜんせい}にとって中心的{ちゅうしんてき}なものである
central to the health of the economies 意味
- "central timezone" 意味
- "central to" 意味
- "central to social progress and economic prosperity" 意味
- "central to the economic growth strategies of" 意味
- "central to the future plans. be" 意味
- "central to the task of" 意味
- "central to the vitality of our economies" 意味
- "central tooth" 意味
- "central trading center" 意味
- "central to the economic growth strategies of" 意味
- "central to the future plans. be" 意味
- "central to the task of" 意味
- "central to the vitality of our economies" 意味